
How Social Media Ruins My Garden

I scrolled through my Facebook feed the other day, and somewhere between one of my brother's quirky status updates and a picture of my co-worker's new baby, there was a political meme. I don't want to get too specific, but it shared a grievance about a particular story of injustice. The tone was angry. It took a stance on the story and told anyone who disagreed to go fuck themselves. It inspired hate for entire groups of people, and it was shared by someone I know as a very pleasant and thoughtful person.

It made me think about just how much hate looks like righteousness from the inside.

Head First Heart Second

Your head is a map and your heart is a compass.

Your map (your head) lays out what the terrain looks like. It communicates causes and effects, means and ends, pleasant trails and hazards.

Your compass (your heart) tells you which way to go. It communicates values, morals, and destinations.

Your compass will still give instructions even if your map is upside down. East will look West. Bad places will look good, and good places will look bad. That’s why it’s important to draw your cognitive map first before you follow your moral compass.